Live 8 Movement !!! Together...we can !!!
The G8 summit is on 06th July 2005 and the G8 countries ( Great Britain, the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia ) will meet at Gleneagles in Scotland to talk about world affairs.
The G8 summit gives the participants in the blogosphere to make their voice heard in unision.
The Live 8 concert has one un-equivocal message : "Make Poverty history". It is not asking for your money, but that cohesive voice which can create a difference.
The globalised "Blogging industry" ...with its huge impact in influencing opinions and generating discussions can make a difference. Together...we can !!!!...Let the (B?) which includes the countless blogs across the internet.... become a subject of discussion when (G8) talk of delivering justice to the world. ....TOGETHER...WE CAN !!!