Words of Wisdom from "The Wise Donkey"

Random inspirations from "The Wise Donkey"

Friday, June 24, 2005

Live 8 Movement !!! Together...we can !!!

For the un-initiated, Live 8 is a series of concerts and events across the world which are being staged to highlight the problem of global poverty. It's a platform for ordinary people to make a big difference and call on leaders at this year's G8 summit to convey the message and exhort them to make that vital difference to the world which can make this world a much better place to live in.....sans poverty.

The G8 summit is on 06th July 2005 and the G8 countries ( Great Britain, the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia ) will meet at Gleneagles in Scotland to talk about world affairs.

The G8 summit gives the participants in the blogosphere to make their voice heard in unision.
The Live 8 concert has one un-equivocal message : "Make Poverty history". It is not asking for your money, but that cohesive voice which can create a difference.

The globalised "Blogging industry" ...with its huge impact in influencing opinions and generating discussions can make a difference. Together...we can !!!!...Let the (B?) which includes the countless blogs across the internet.... become a subject of discussion when (G8) talk of delivering justice to the world. ....TOGETHER...WE CAN !!!

Belive it or not !!! Another Earth !!!

There could be another Earth. A planet...about seven or eight times as massive as the Earth has been located...According to astronomers, it is the most Earth-like world seen beyond our solar system. "For the first time, we are beginning to find our planetary kin among the stars", says Geoff Marcy of the University of California at Berkeley, US. His team announced the discovery at a news conference in Arlington, Virginia, US.

The planet takes 2 days to complete aa revolution around its star Gliese 876, which means it has a 2-day year. It's surface temprature is more than 200 degrees celcius that makes life in the planet near impossible....
unless of course, there exist creatures which can inhabitate in such high tempratures...We don't know.... as yet !!!!


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Technorati is throwing a party...

The subject rhymes...."rati"...and "party"....
Technorati is throwing a party to celebrate the amazing growth of the blogosphere...
Did you know it ? The blogosphere is doubling every 5 months....
Make it to the party if you are in and around 39 New Montgomery Street....
and do post a comment as to how the party went...
Click here for the full invite.......by the host......and to catch the venue of the event...
Have loads of fun !!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What is UPOD ???

UPOD is an acronym used in online communication.
The first five correct answers posted will each get a "free gmail invite"....
that is, of course....if you need it.....!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Summer Moon Illusion

They say...sometimes...it is difficult to believe your own eyes......This is going to be one of those times....Beat everybody to it...Be the first to check out the details by clicking here .....and after you experience the illusion...post a comment ...and tell " The Wise Donkey"....how much you care .......!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Who said it ? ?

Success is getting what you want.....Happiness is wanting what you get...!!!
Any idea ...Who said it ?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Wise Donkey seeks an answer...

The Wise Donkey seeks the defination that best answers the following
question in the big world of blogs...The wise donkey will make it a
practice to post teasers/trivia questions on this blog ....maybe
every 3-4 days...and let bloggers post their answers and
comments....For now...the question is :

What is a "meme" ? ...Who can answer that...???

The wise donkey has already given an hint to the answer by the prelude
to the question.

The Wise Donkey will be blogging sooooon....Watch this space !!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Inspirational Wisdom !!! from "The Wise Donkey"

Do what you CAN......Trust God...to do what you CANNOT !!!! ....and
there will be nothing that is not done......

International Bloggers Day

587 blogs...43 countries....in 1 day......Celebrate 14th June as International Bloggers Day....The wise donkey is at it again....investigating the internet...and blending his own inherent wisdom ...to come up with these posts.....

Monday, June 13, 2005

Thus spake "The Wise Donkey" !!!

"The" wise donkey spills out the first learnings from life....The
heaviest burdens of our lives are things that you "think" might
happen...but will never happen..Doesn't that random thought exude
wisdom......???....Watch this space for more....

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The "Wise Donkey".....

....will speak soon !!! Watch this space for random inspirations....!!